Die Burgenstraße Neckarsteinach, from the Book “Lieblingsorte in Hessen”, 60 illustrated favourite places in Hessen, published by Societäts-Verlag/Frankfurt

Der Alte Juedische Friedhof/ The Old Jewish Cemetery, from the Book “Lieblingsorte in Hessen”, 60 illustrated favourite places in Hessen, published by Societäts-Verlag/Frankfurt

Ben and the Whales – an extraordinary journey, written by Ingrid Mennen, published by NB/Tafelberg, German edition by Kunstanstifter

Ben and the Whales – an extraordinary journey, written by Ingrid Mennen, published by NB/Tafelberg, German edition by Kunstanstifter

Ben and the Whales – an extraordinary journey, written by Ingrid Mennen, published by NB/Tafelberg, German edition by Kunstanstifter

Ben and the Whales – an extraordinary journey, written by Ingrid Mennen, published by NB/Tafelberg, German edition by Kunstanstifter

A Dress full of Stories/Ein Kleid voller Geschichten, the German adaptation of Ink, written by Ingrid Mennen, published by Kunstanstifter

Ben and the Whales – an extraordinary journey, written by Ingrid Mennen, published by NB/Tafelberg, German edition by Kunstanstifter

A Dress full of Stories/Ein Kleid voller Geschichten, the German adaptation of Ink, written by Ingrid Mennen, published by Kunstanstifter

A Dress full of Stories/Ein Kleid voller Geschichten, the German adaptation of Ink, written by Ingrid Mennen, published by Kunstanstifter